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Gleaneagles FAQ


When/Where are the board meetings?

Our regularly scheduled board meetings are on the 4th Monday of every month at the Bank of Lexington, 6409 Polo Club Blvd, Lexington, KY 40509, Conference room. If the meeting is rescheduled it will be posted on Facebook on our website.

How can I keep up to date with all these developments?

The HOA keeps residents up to date on these issues on our Facebook page. We also encourage you to attend our annual meeting and monthly board meetings.

How many houses are in Gleneagles?

There are about 700 lots in Gleneagles.

What kinds of issues should I ask the HOA about and what kinds should I call the city or other authority about?

Contact the HOA for issues with your dues, if you plan to make improvements to your property, such as building a fence, or to report any HOA related problem, such as an issue with the common grounds or to report a possible violation of the deed restrictions.

For issues such as street parking problems, barking dogs or pet waste cleanup, safety hazards such as non-working traffic lights or any other sort of issue, you may contact the HOA first and we will try to resolve the problem in a friendly manner. However, since we only have the authority to enforce our own deed restrictions, the best we can do in most of these cases is to mail or call the resident and ask them to address the issue. This may or may not solve the problem.

Because most of these kinds of issues can only be enforced by the local government, you might consider calling the appropriate LFUCG division first. For example, for parking or safety issues, call the local police.

If you are unsure who to contact in the local government, there is a handy service known as LexCall that can help direct you. LexCall is available at 311 or on the web at: LexCall can direct you to the appropriate place to lodge your complaint.

In addition, please contact the HOA once you have logged a complaint with the city. By doing so, you will help us to keep track of repeat offenders so that we can take further steps if necessary.

I know the deed restrictions say I can only build a six foot tall wooden fence. Why do I still have to submit a form to the HOA asking for permission to build?

Submitting this form is simply a review step to ensure that home improvements in the subdivision conform to the deed restrictions. These restrictions were put in place by the developer to promote a common look in the subdivision and to protect property values.

This process also provides you with assurance that the HOA will not ask you to make any changes to your fence after you have already paid for it to be completed.

Where can I get a copy of the Master Declaration and deed restrictions?

You can obtain electronic copies of association documents online at the HOA website at or you can contact our property manager, Tammy Walters at (859)982-9462 to receive by mail.

Are directors paid for their service?

No. Directors volunteer their time because they are interested in the well being of the community.

Can any member of the HOA serve on the board of directors?

Yes. The HOA board of directors is made up of residents that are elected at each year’s annual meeting of the association. There are currently six directors on the board and two positions are up for election each year. After the annual meeting, board members meet to elect officers.

Note that lot owners are members of the HOA, but renters who rent a home in Gleneagles are not. If you are a renter but do not own a home in Gleneagles, then you are not a member of the HOA and may not serve on the board.

Can we change it so that everyone pays the same amount in dues?

No. The Master Declaration does not give the board the power to remove this two thirds rule. In order to remove this rule, we would have to change the Master Declaration itself. In order to do that, we would need to have a meeting of the entire association and a motion to remove the rule must be passed by at least a two thirds majority of the entire membership of the Association. In other words, if there are 700 homes in Gleneagles, we would need the owners of at least 470 of the homes to be physically present at the same meeting and all vote to remove the rule. For more on this, see the Master Declaration, section 8.10b: This Declaration may be amended at any time and from time to time by an agreement by at least 2/3rds of the Owners, and the written approval of the Secretary of HUD.

What happens if I don’t pay my association dues?

The collection policy, including the assessment of late fees, can be found in the Master Declaration, section 6.8: Effect of Non-Payment of Assessments: Remedies of the Association. The basic idea is that if you don’t pay your annual assessment, then your balance will continue to grow with interest over time. Once your balance exceeds a certain amount and the HOA has not been successful in arranging for you to settle it, the HOA will hire a lawyer to put a lien on your home. The cost of removing the lien will include the legal fees incurred by the HOA. If you do not pay to remove the lien, the cost to remove it will continue to grow with interest. Any liens must be settled before you can sell you home.


Are there officers and how are they elected?

Officers are elected at the first meting following an annual meeting. During that meeting the board elects officers to serve a 1 year term to that office. Reelection is possible.The following are the offices and a person can hold more than one office.

  • President
  • Vice President
  • Treasurer
  • Secretary

What committees are there?

This can change year to year based upon the need. As of this writing we have the following committees.

  • Communications
  • Special Projects
  • Grounds and Greenways
  • Community Relations
  • Safety and Security
  • Code Enforcement

What time of commitment is there?

The board meets at regular intervals once a month and an annual meeting once a year. The amount of time that you spend doing things varies between projects and committees.

What is required to be on the board?

The requirements to be on the board are:

You must be in good standing. (your dues are paid.)
You must be on the deed to the property or a spouse of someone who is on the deed to the property. (Note: the person on the deed may not necessarily be the person on the mortgage.)
A wiliness and wanting to make our neighborhood better?

How do I join the board?

There area a couple ways that someone can join the board. The first is to be elected by members of the association at the annual meeting of the association. The second way is to be asked to join the board when another member of the board resigns their post.

Deed Restrictions

What types of things should I ask the HOA about before making improvements to my property?

Any permanent improvement to the exterior of your home should be cleared with the HOA before you start. Doing so will ensure that you will not be asked to go back and make any changes in order to comply with the deed restrictions. Examples of improvements that should go through this process include fences, outbuildings, sheds, extensions, gazebos, changes to your driveway, etc.

Keep in mind that for most improvements, including fences, you will also need to obtain a permit from the city. Contact the LFUCG Division of Building Inspection at (859)258-3770 or on the web at

Can we make all the restrictions the same?

Yes, but it would require a meeting with two thirds of the association in attendance to approve the changes, as described in the FAQ above about making the dues the same.

Why are there different restrictions for different parts of the neighborhood?

The deed restrictions were set up by the developer and builders of Gleneagles. Most likely, different builders used their own stock restrictions in the different areas that they were constructing.

Why can’t I build a vinyl or iron fence?

Other types of fences besides wood are allowed in certain sections of Gleneagles. Please consult the deed restrictions for your unit to find out what types are allowed in your area. If you are not sure which area you live in, there is a guide available on the HOA website.

I know the deed restrictions say I can only build a six foot tall wooden fence. Why do I still have to submit a form to the HOA asking for permission to build?

Submitting this form is simply a review step to ensure that home improvements in the subdivision conform to the deed restrictions. These restrictions were put in place by the developer to promote a common look in the subdivision and to protect property values.

This process also provides you with assurance that the HOA will not ask you to make any changes to your fence after you have already paid for it to be completed.

Where can I get a copy of the Master Declaration and deed restrictions?

You can obtain electronic copies of association documents online at the HOA website at or you can contact our property manager, Tammy Walters at (859)982-9462 to receive by mail.


When is the neighborhood garage sale scheduled?

Events are advertised on Facebook and on the website. Please consult the website for the most up to date information.

When are the annual and monthly meetings?

The annual HOA meeting is usually held at the end of June or July. You will receive several notices via mail and signs in the medians as it draws near. The board of directors meets once each month, usually on the fourth Monday. Exact times and locations are published in advance on the website. Please consult the website for the most up to date information on changes of time or location.


My street tree died. Who pays to replace it?

The developer of Gleneagles was responsible for installing the first street trees between the sidewalk and the street. In most cases, that responsibility has been passed on to the builders of the lots. Builders usually install these trees with some sort of warranty period, typically one year. Contact your builder to see if the tree is still under warranty. After that, you must pay to replace the tree.

Street trees are required by the city, per regulations of the Planning and Zoning commission. If you leave a dead tree for a long period of time or remove it without replacing it, the city may install one for you and send you a bill.

More information on street trees is available on the LFUCG web site at

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Gleneagles Home Owners Association, located in Lexington, KY
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