Gleneagles is a deed restricted community, meaning that we have covenants, codes and restrictions that must be followed. Our residents pay annual assessments which are used to grow and maintain our neighborhood.
Gleneagles is also known for its Greenway space. The Greenways are corridors of protected open space managed for conservation and recreation purposes. Greenways often follow natural land or water features and link nature reserves, parks, and cultural features with each other and with populated areas. Some of our Greenways have been designed with walking trails. We currently have two Greenways with trails. Each are located on Polo Club Blvd and are indicated with signs. One is near Shaker Run and the other is near the end of Gleneagles near Birkdale Dr and Royal Troon. The Royal Troon walking trail connects to the Brighton East Rail Trail. Rail Trails are trails made from abandoned railroad corridors. For more information on Greenway spaces or Rail Trails, please visit
Waste collection | City of Lexington, Kentucky
Trash, recycling and yard waste collection are all a part of city waste collection. Find your collection day, sign up for alerts and more here.